Photo Friday – Autumn Road Edition

This was a really quick capture a few weeks ago, up near Wilderness State Park in Michigan.  We were touring the fall colors and came across this scene that stuck out to me.  I pulled the car over and captured this photo on my iPhone, attempting to take the shot fast enough to avoid blocking traffic.  It all worked out and this became one of my favorite photos from the day.

Road surrounded with trees in autumn

Gear: iPhone 13 Pro, 77mm.

Photo Friday

I’m going to try and post photos on this site more often.  To help me along on this goal, I’m starting a series called Photo Friday.  A Photo Friday post will just contain a photo and a short description about how it came to be.  So here goes…

Small sailboat on calm water.

I took this photo in Harbor Springs, Michigan a few weeks ago.  We headed up there to visit the Tunnel of Trees, which can be gorgeous in the autumn.  The reason I like this shot is because the lake and the sky disagree with each other: the sky being stormy and the lake completely calm.